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We've all been here before.

As the flawed humans we are, everyone, and I mean everyone has procrastinated at least once.

For instance - I was supposed to post up a Halloween Special blog this past week, but turns out I never wrote anything in the first place.

So here I am, writing a blog post on the biggest, most widespread illness of the human race: chronic procrastination.


Take me for example. In one of my earlier posts, I described what my high school experience has been like. Most of its terrible points, can, admittedly, be attributed to procrastination.

But why do we procrastinate?

I looked towards the Internet experts for answers, and this is what I've found (link included down below):

1.) Authoritative Parents

I personally can say that this may be a legitimate excuse for me. I do have parents that micromanage my life, and many times I've thought to myself about how I'm going to get through college, since I don't have the freedom to manage my own time, and thus I might not know how to when I get to college. Once you have authoritarian parents, creating your own schedule is a thing of the past - you're no longer in charge of your life, and you might even find procrastination as a form of rebellion under such tight circumstances. Personally, I don't think I've ever really thought of it as a rebellion, but I have wasted my time just to *piss* them off.

2.) Extremely Optimistic Liars

On the article I read, it mentions that another reason that we procrastinate is because we're liars.

Extremely optimistic liars.

I agree.


"We'll do it tomorrow," she said.

"There'll be enough time," she said.


Been there. Done that. Never got the t-shirt because #procrastination

Haven't we all told ourselves at one point or another that we'll do whatever it is tomorrow?

I know I've been there.

And girl, lemme tell you:

On those days the only thing keeping me up is stress and Youtube --> Stress because, oh, I don't know, I probably have a major assignment due (usually an extremely long essay), and Youtube because, well, something's got to keep you awake, and ain't nobody got money for Netflix.

I'm cheap, and have never claimed to be otherwise.

3.) We Actively Look For Distractions

As I mentioned earlier, Youtube keeps me awake throughout the allnighters that I pull to turn in essays.

Turns out, it also qualifies as a "distraction," as mentioned by the article.


This blog is also a distraction.

But turns out I like blogging, so, if I like it, why stop it?

If you are in fact addicted to drugs, this is my disclaimer: I would clearly be just like you if I ever tried drugs, and the hashtag was not made to offend anyone, no matter their habits, although please, for your own health, QUIT THE DRUG.


So while these three reasons are just code words for laziness (well, maybe not the first one), there are other reasons out there that I'm sure I haven't delved into in this blog. But thank you for bearing with me, and as you can probably tell I did get a bit distracted towards the end, but it was a joy to write!

Tips to stop procrastinating:

1.) When you get your work, do it ASAP.

That's all I've got, but tbh, do you really want a chronic procrastinator to give you advice to stop you from procrastinating?


Link to the procrastination article I mentioned above:


Feel free to vote, comment, or message me on your thoughts! Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for next Saturday's blog!

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