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Fall Fashion | Women

Fall has arrived.


I'm not sure if you're aware of what that means.

It means Starbucks has released their infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte.

It means it's getting colder, and animals all over the continent of North America are frantically scavenging to prepare for the winter (which will most likely be warm 'cuz you know, global warming and stuff, only if you believe in that sort of rubbish).


It means that women all over the U.S. will start tucking their shorts in the back of their extensive closets, and will start digging out clothes that might give full body coverage.

Sorry boys.

Skin's a no-no in below zero weather.

Better luck next spring/summer.


Before you ask, no, I have absolutely zero qualifications to properly expatiate on women's fashion 'cuz I ain't no ANNA FREAKIN' WINTOUR.

BUT, I know what I like wearing in the fall, and I'd love to share my personal fall favorites with you guys, so keep reading to see what I would wear in the fall if I got up early enough!


So, let's start with the different "looks."

Warm, Homey Look:


- Large, Warm Sweater (Block colored, monochromatic, or a graphic design on your sweater are fine depending on the rest of your outfit, but make sure it works well with your scarf)


- Long/Short Sleeve Shirt & Cardigan (You literally can't go wrong with a cardigan as long as it matches your overall color scheme)

- Long/Short Sleeve Shirt & Utility

- Optional: Scarves (any type, but my go-to would be a monochromatic, ribbed scarf)

- Optional: Winter cap, 'cuz when else were you gonna wear that cute lil' thing?


-Jeans (You can't go wrong with jeans, literally just grab a pair and go, although I personally dislike the feel of jeans).


-Tights (I don't care who you are girl, no butt, flat butt, perky butt, saggy butt, cellulite butt, tights can make anyone look fine as f*ck. Quote me. I dare you.)

- Long, Fuzzy Socks (just so you know, this isn't really optional, plus, who doesn't love a good pair of fuzzy socks?)

I feel warm just looking at that sweater tbh.

Bada** Look:

Leather jacket.

Combat boots or high black boots.

Black tights.


You've got yourself a:


We'll pretend like she's wearing all the above.

Professional Look:

Top/Bottom: Dresses with high cuts that end around the knee, paired with any sort of "dressy" shoe that matches the color scheme (normally black).

Top/Bottom: Pantsuit (normally they come in a matched set), along with your classiest shoes.


-Button Up Blouse (with or without a coat, up to you)


-Slacks/Pencil Skirt (with or without stockings) that matches the color scheme along with, once again, your classiest pair of shoes.

Look at this woman, just LOOK at her - business meetings will screech to a halt when she walks in the room.

Dressy Look:

Top/Bottom: Any sort of flowy, cute, and casual dress that you think fits the season!


-Dressy tank-top with wide straps and a leather jacket (I would pair this with the leather tights option)

-Cardigan (make sure it goes with the rest of the outfit - black 99.9% of the time works)

-V-neck (monochromatic) shirt


-Leather tights (Works well with almost everything - if they're a solid black color that is)

-Short, flowy skirt (as long is it matches the color scheme, this works well with almost anything, and feel free to wear stockings if you're cold)

-Long, flowy skirt (same thing, make sure it matches your color scheme)

*Wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Nightclub Look:

-Girllllllllll I'm in high school so I have absolutely ZER0 experience at said nightclub, but flaunt yo' curves or those long legs, or whatever other unique body type you have, and wear whatever is comfortable and...


Okay so this is the end of my list.

Yes, I know, this list wasn't the most inclusive, but I did specify above that this what I would wear in the fall if I bothered to dress up in the limited time I have.

So my hipster, gothic, etc. fans: You be you.

And I'll be me.

We're better off being our crazy unique selves, because we're like snowflakes no two are ever the same ---> I'm sure some scientific theory hidden in some dusty book will disprove that but I'm cheesy so;)


Feel free to vote, comment, or message me on your thoughts! Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for next Saturday's blog!

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