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The Scoop About Me

I'm a 17 year-old girl with big dreams and with no means to achieve them. An aspiring artist, writer, doctor, director, traveler, there's so many things that interest me, and not enough time to do them. So, as one does, I blog about my life instead, because why not? 


My hobbies include painting, writing, swimming, movie-marathoning, reading, and singing. I occasionally run. If necessary.


My future plans include becoming a registered surgeon in the Doctors Without Borders program, an UN ambassador who will actually make change in our society, and a New York Times bestselling author (and the director of its movie adaptation) with a business on the side whose profits go to funding war-torn countries with medical supplies.


I know, I know, I've heard the argument that no one could ever do so much in their lifetime, but what's to stop me from trying?



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